Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Impact of Rising Interest Rates on Real Estate Investment in Pakistan

Pakistan’s real estate market is currently navigating turbulent waters due to the surge in interest rates, an outcome of the State Bank of Pakistan’s (SBP) policy to counter inflationary pressures and stabilize the broader economy.

This rise in borrowing costs has introduced new complexities for both investors and developers, influencing the trajectory of real estate projects across the country. The dual impact on demand and supply highlights how sensitive the property market is to macroeconomic shifts, and the current scenario has far-reaching consequences for the sector’s short- and long-term health.

Impact on Demand

Dwindling Affordability for Home Buyers

One of the most immediate and pronounced effects of rising interest rates is the increased cost of home loans. As mortgage rates soar, potential homebuyers, particularly those from middle-income households, are finding it increasingly difficult to afford home financing. Traditionally, home ownership in Pakistan has been facilitated by access to affordable credit, but the recent hikes in interest rates have caused a sharp uptick in monthly mortgage payments, diminishing affordability across the board.

Mortgage Rates and Home Loans: The spike in mortgage rates has had a ripple effect on residential property purchases, especially for first-time buyers. With higher loan repayments, potential buyers are either postponing their decisions or opting for smaller, less expensive properties. The 2023 Pakistan Real Estate Forecast reports that the demand for housing loans has decreased by 15% since the onset of interest rate hikes. This shift is most visible in urban centers where middle-class families are now rethinking their home-buying plans due to financial constraints.

Consequence on Demand: As affordability erodes, the residential property market is witnessing a cooling-off period, with a notable decline in demand for mid-range and affordable housing. The high-end luxury market, however, remains somewhat insulated as affluent buyers often rely less on financing. Nevertheless, the overall residential market is grappling with reduced activity as potential homeowners sit on the sidelines, waiting for more favorable borrowing conditions.

Investor Reluctance Amid Higher Borrowing Costs

In addition to affecting individual buyers, rising interest rates have also dampened the enthusiasm of investors who traditionally rely on borrowed capital for real estate ventures. The escalating cost of financing has squeezed profit margins, making real estate a less attractive proposition for those seeking quick returns on investment.

Financing Challenges for Investors: Higher interest rates have forced many investors to reconsider their strategies. With borrowing costs eating into potential profits, real estate developers and investors are adopting a more cautious approach, holding off on new acquisitions and developments. The slowdown is particularly pronounced in speculative markets where short-term gains have historically driven investment activity.

Market Implications: This shift in investor behavior has led to a deceleration in real estate project launches. Many developers, who rely on investor funding, are facing difficulties in securing capital for large-scale developments. As a result, new residential and commercial projects are either being delayed or scaled back, further dampening market momentum.

Impact on Supply

Escalating Construction Costs Pressuring Developers

On the supply side, developers are encountering significant challenges in bringing new projects to market. Rising interest rates have compounded pre-existing issues such as escalating construction material prices, pushing up the overall cost of development. This double whammy of higher financing costs and expensive raw materials is putting a strain on developers’ profitability, making it difficult for them to maintain previous levels of activity.

Developer Challenges: The combined impact of increased borrowing costs and inflationary pressures on construction materials like steel, cement, and labor has resulted in a steep rise in project expenses. For developers, this means thinner profit margins or, in some cases, losses. Some are responding by reducing the scale of their developments, while others are delaying the launch of new projects until there is more certainty in the economic landscape.

Delayed Projects: The heightened cost structure has caused many developers to hit the brakes on new ventures. In particular, large-scale housing schemes and commercial projects have been postponed, waiting for more stable financial conditions. The uncertainty in project timelines is leading to a supply crunch in the market, further exacerbating affordability issues as fewer housing options come online.

Changing Investment Preferences Towards Stability

As the economic environment shifts, so too are the investment preferences of key players in the real estate market. While residential real estate is bearing the brunt of the downturn, there is a noticeable shift towards long-term, stable investments, particularly in commercial real estate. Investors are increasingly prioritizing security and sustainability over short-term, high-yield projects that are more vulnerable to interest rate fluctuations.

Focus on Commercial Real Estate: The shift toward commercial property investment is gaining traction as it offers more predictable returns in a high-interest-rate environment. Investors are finding refuge in commercial assets, such as office spaces, retail outlets, and industrial properties, which typically have longer lease agreements and steady income streams. High-demand areas in major cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad are seeing sustained interest from institutional investors who are looking to park their capital in safer, income-generating properties.

Strategic Shifts: This pivot to commercial real estate highlights a broader trend among investors to recalibrate their portfolios in response to the changing economic climate. By focusing on long-term assets, investors are aiming to weather the storm of high interest rates while still generating reasonable returns. The appetite for residential real estate may have diminished for now, but the commercial sector appears poised for steady growth.

Long-Term Outlook for Pakistan’s Real Estate Market

As Pakistan’s real estate market adjusts to the new economic reality of higher interest rates, it is becoming clear that the sector’s dynamics are evolving. Both buyers and investors are exercising caution, and developers are grappling with financial pressures. This cautious approach is likely to persist until the broader macroeconomic environment stabilizes.

Investor Sentiment and Market Resilience: While the short-term outlook remains challenging, there are reasons to be optimistic about the resilience of Pakistan’s real estate market in the long run. Historically, the property sector has proven to be adaptable to economic shifts, and the current downturn could lead to more sustainable growth patterns in the future. Investors who can weather the current storm may find opportunities for significant gains once interest rates stabilize.

Regulatory and Policy Considerations: The role of government policies and SBP decisions will be crucial in shaping the future of the real estate market. If interest rates remain elevated for an extended period, further intervention may be required to support both developers and homebuyers. Possible policy measures could include subsidies for first-time buyers, tax incentives for developers, or targeted lending programs to help alleviate the financial burden on the real estate sector.


The rise in interest rates in Pakistan is reshaping the real estate investment landscape, creating both challenges and opportunities for various stakeholders. The immediate impact has been a reduction in demand and an increase in supply-side pressures, with affordability and financing costs proving to be significant hurdles. However, the market is not without its bright spots. Investors are pivoting toward long-term, stable investments in commercial real estate, which may offer a path forward in a high-interest-rate environment.

As the market adjusts to this new economic reality, it will be essential for both public and private sector actors to work together to support the real estate sector. The ability of the market to adapt to these changes will determine its future trajectory, with the potential for more sustainable and stable growth patterns emerging from this period of uncertainty.